Tag: greenlabsdenver


Today in Cannabis

Republican Governor Terry Branstad signed a bill, the Medical Cannabidiol Act (SF 2360), allowing regulated CBD medications for children in Iowa. As the medical potential for CBD raises attention across the nation, parents in need of new options for their children are pressing lawmakers to get bills like the Medical Cannabidiol Act signed in their respective states.

Pictured above is Jayden David; he has a severe seizure-causing disorder called Dravet syndrome. His father was one of the first people to publicize this controversial, but ultimately life-saving, decision to treat his son with CBD oil extract. Their story has become synonymous with the success of CBD treatment, and can be followed on their Facebook page: Jason and Jayden’s Journey.



Back on Schedule

Virginia congressman Morgan Griffith presented HR 4498 earlier this month. “The Legitimate Use of Medicinal Marijuana Act” aims to federally reclassify cannabis from Schedule I to II. Before considering the disproportion related to legal consequence, only substances which have no medical value are placed under Schedule I; the key to this bill is security for medical establishments on a federal level.
