Tag: cannabis news


Today in Cannabis

My Compassion, a nonprofit organization, prepares for the Chicago Cannabis Conference on Navy Pier this weekend. The first conference of its kind, speakers include: state representatives, doctors, lawyers, and industry professionals advocating the forward movement of responsibility and professionalism in a previously forbidden realm.


The UK-based GW pharmaceuticals has announced plans to implement their product Epidiolex in US markets. Epidiolex is a cannabidiol (CBD) extract used to treat childhood epilepsy resulting from Dravet syndrome. Currently, Epidiolex is in use by only seven patients in the US under unique legal circumstances. As of today, the United States’ FDA has approved Epidiolex for “fast track designation”, which expedites the availability of breakthrough treatments.





Today in Cannabis

For over a decade, synthetic “herbal incense” designed to mimic the effects of cannabis has gained popularity due to the fact it’s been buyable in-store, and doesn’t show up on drug tests. It’s dangerous because synthetic cannabanoids have the potential to be much more potent than their organic counterparts. In addition, their non-regulation leaves much unknown about potential negative effects.

The reason volatile ‘analogs’ (like various versions of herbal incense) even exist, is cannabis prohibition. If the federal government doesn’t make serious amendments to drug policy, significant demand for herbal incense will remain.



Today in Cannabis

Republican Governor Terry Branstad signed a bill, the Medical Cannabidiol Act (SF 2360), allowing regulated CBD medications for children in Iowa. As the medical potential for CBD raises attention across the nation, parents in need of new options for their children are pressing lawmakers to get bills like the Medical Cannabidiol Act signed in their respective states.

Pictured above is Jayden David; he has a severe seizure-causing disorder called Dravet syndrome. His father was one of the first people to publicize this controversial, but ultimately life-saving, decision to treat his son with CBD oil extract. Their story has become synonymous with the success of CBD treatment, and can be followed on their Facebook page: Jason and Jayden’s Journey.



Redefining ‘Essential’ Oils

Colorado continues to lead the charge in medical advancement related to non-psychoactive components of the cannabis plant; cases such as those of Charlotte Figi  (pictured above) have inspired action elsewhere in the country.

North Carolina Governor Pat McElraft proposed a bill Tuesday: “Hope 4 Haley and Friends” (H.B. 1220). This legislation would allow medical regulation of CBD (an essential oil naturally occurring in cannabis resin glands) in the Tar Heel state, for children suffering from severe seizure-causing disorders. Despite her anti-legalization perspective, the Republican Governor boldly advocates this bill; for North Carolinians without the resources to pick up and move to a medical state such as Colorado, H.B. 1220 is currently the only ray of hope as far as obtaining legal and regulated medicine that could potentially save children’s lives.